Water vole survey form

Water voles are a native species that used to been seen down our waterways very recently up until the last 30 years or so. Protected species licences for survey, research or conservation work a29 and a30. Preparation of reports to support planning applications. Before you survey for water volesuseful equipment water voles in sussex legal status world water vole distribution appearance. A visual assessment of habitat to determine suitability to support water voles. This includes an assessment of water quality, bankside vegetation and connectivity. Conservational water vole ecological survey for development. No signs of water vole activity were recorded during either of these surveys. New water vole mitigation guidelines for development and.

The water vole survey was undertaken 16th april 20 at which time no access limitations were encountered. Water vole survey volunteer handbook greater manchester local. Field vole, bank vole and woodmouse burrows are much smaller at only 2 3cms across. Water voles, bank voles, field voles how to tell a water vole from a rat habitat and home range feeding breeding and lifecycle. As a result, lancashire county councils ecologists raised a request for further survey work, comprising an appropriately timed water vole survey. Protection in the uk is afforded to all bats, all cetaceans, red squirrel, badger, water vole, hazel dormouse, pine marten, otter and wildcat under schedules 5 and 6 of the wildlife and countryside act 1981 as amended by the nature conservation scotland act 2004 in scotland and the countryside and rights of way act 2000 crow in england. If you are planning any disturbance to slow flowing or static freshwater bodies, which will affect water levels or change in flow, bank profiling, or water quality, then you should consider a water vole survey. Otter and water vole surveys middlemarch environmental. You wont normally need a licence to survey for water voles unless you need to trap them or put a camera into their burrows. Ringing or marking to take a water vole for the purpose of ringing or marking. Survey manual for water vole spotters sussex wildlife trust.

This includes a site visit and a desktop assessment. Breeding female water vole burrow with grazed lawn at waters edge. Our survey reveals whether watercourses up to 500m from your site contain evidence of water voles. Water voles are frequently encountered on development projects and our practice has substantial experience in devising and implementing mitigation programmes for these species. Water voles are classed as a species of principal importance in england, and are listed on the. Applied ecology ltdwater vole survey and mitigation. The links below will provide more information for each survey category and allow you to view or download the pdf survey forms. Water voles can live for up to 2 years in the wild. Ribble ecology april 20 2 ms bousfield was accompanied by ms gemma coar, who is an assistant ecologist at ribble ecology. Water voles in the middle level the wildlife trust bcn. Roycroft farm, uttoxeter water vole survey rtmme11406307 preventing serious damage to any form of property or to fisheries.

Water voles are herbivorous and feed primarily on the lush aerial stems and leaves of waterside plants during the growing season, and the roots and bark of woody species such as willow, together with the rhizomes and bulbs and. In sussex, the first national water vole survey carried out in 198990 found that 71% of sixty three sample sites had positive signs of water voles. Whether you simply require an assessment of a wetland for potential impacts of development, assessment of a pond for potential water vole issues, a full and detailed survey for water voles, or advice on suitable mitigations and protection for water voles, we can help. Water vole surveys are generally undertaken by a twoperson team for reasons of health and safety, and include. It is often informally called the water rat, though it only superficially resembles a true rat. Ideal water vole habitat is a slow flowing waterway with permanent water which does not flood for more than a week or so at a time. In march the tees valley wildlife trust along with tees valley local nature partnership embarked on an ambitious project to carry out a catchment wide survey to assess the number of water vole arvicola amphibious populations in the region. Our ecological surveyors have a wealth of experience in identifying water vole field signs such as droppings, latrines, feeding stations. They held on in low numbers but by 2010 were probably present at only one or two locations. The form provides background, habitat and supplementary wildlife information. A report commissioned by the environment agency in 1998 concluded that the species was on the brink of countywide. Mar 04, 2016 the mammal society has just published new water vole mitigation guidelines for development and construction projects. Ratty the character in the book wind in the willows written by kenneth grahame was actually a water vole and not a rat. Chapter 2 describes the approach to the water vole survey.

The water vole mitigation handbook sussex wildlife trust. The survey followed standard water vole survey methodology strachan and moorhouse, 2006 which consisted of searching for signs such as burrows, lawns, latrines, feeding stations and footprints. In the case of water voles, the survey determines whether watercourses up to 500 m from the proposed development have any signs or evidence of water vole usage. The water vole breeding season runs from april to september. A water vole survey generally involves searching for and recording characteristic water vole field signs along the edge of a water course or water body. Survey forms were adapted from the standard water vole survey form set out in the water vole conservation handbook strachan et al. These form low runs or tunnels 510cm wide pushed through the vegetation. Chapter 3 sets out the legislative framework for the protection of water voles in england. Read the guidance on licences for social, economic or environmental purposes. Table 21 evidence of water vole activity recorded within the nts interconnector. By the second national survey in 199698, only three sites were still positive. Chapter 4 presents the results of the survey in the form of the baseline. Water vole records made by the rutland natural history society rnhs showed that they were quite commonly seen in the 1960s and in the area now covered by rutland water, but the number seen in rutland had declined seriously between 1965 and 1976 fig. Tees valley water vole survey 2014 tees valley wildlife.

Water vole survey water vole uk the ecology partnership. Currently the water vole has a patchy, fragmented distribution throughout britain, with strongholds in southern and eastern britain as well as anglesey, the isle of wight, scotland and some upland areas. Survey work will be undertake during daylight hours during the optimum survey season april to september, when water voles are most active. Read on to learn a little about water voles and water vole surveys in our water vole guide. Water vole habitat can be damaged if grazing reduces the height of bankside vegetation. Between and 28 may 2004, ditches at rossall school fields and in the fields to the east on the fylde peninsula site were surveyed following receipt of water vole records for this area. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to the dco scheme and the water vole survey. At acer ecology, we undertake a range of ecology and protected species work and regularly carry out water vole surveys. The mammal society has just published new water vole mitigation guidelines for development and construction projects. Pathways water voles often create pathways in vegetation. This will take the form of a visual search for the presence of water voles and their signs. Oct 09, 2014 the water vole is fully protected under schedule 5 of the wildlife and countryside act 1981 and is a priority conservation species. Tees valley water vole survey 2014 tees valley wildlife trust. Water vole surveys can take place between early april and late october.

Please ensure you have read the survey guidelines before doing your survey. Wildwood ecology can undertake water vole surveys of your land or proposed land purchase as part of a preliminary ecological appraisal or as a stand alone protected species survey. This is the ideal time to carry out a water vole survey as the water voles will be highly active and leave many signs, such as latrines conspicuous piles of droppings which can be used to confirm their presence during a survey. Its habitat consists of rivers, ditches, streams, canals and other wetland areas where it feeds on waterside vegetation. Download the licence application form works affecting water voles. The water vole in britain is associated with riparian habitat, having adopted a semiaquatic lifestyle. Water voles have rounder noses than rats, deep brown fur, chubby faces and short fuzzy ears.

Water voles form extensive burrows along banks, which can contain several entrances but they will also build woven nests amongst reeds and sedges. All work close to rivers should be regarded as potentially hazardous, please do not take risks. Riversearch survey forms and reports are available to download here, or alternatively contact us for hard copies. Habitat fragmentation and the release of the mink thought to be as a result of animal activists in reaction to the fur trade, i know you cant. Surveys can be carried out either on your own or with a friend. The water vole arvicola amphibius formerly terrestris is the largest species of vole in britain and inhabits canals, rivers, streams, ditches and other wetland areas water voles are herbivorous and feed primarily on the lush aerial stems and leaves of waterside plants during the growing season, and the roots and bark of woody species such as willow, together with the rhizomes and bulbs and. Can you survey a site for water voles by taking part in the national water vole monitoring programme. This includes any type of mark, identification method or radio. Water vole surveys are carried out during the breeding season which lasts from march to september. This nesting compartment has a sliding door which can be closed for transportation of the vole and it also has a convenient carrying handle. Please complete the site information form when you do your preliminary visit of your site. Breeding female water vole burrow with grazed lawn at water s edge.

Chapter 4 presents the results of the survey in the form of the baseline conditions. Otter surveys can often be completed in tandem with water vole surveys. The surveys require an initial assessment of the habitats present followed by a detailed survey to look for water vole field signs in the form of burrows, prints, latrines, runs and feeding remains. The water vole is under serious threat from habitat loss and predation by the nonnative american mink. You will then need to complete the nwvmp survey form when you do your survey in may. Our experienced ecologists conduct water vole surveys of waterbodies such as ponds, ditches and streams within the relevant impact zone of a proposed project. National water vole monitoring programme recording forms please ensure you have read the survey guidelines before doing your survey. Protected in the uk under the wildlife and countryside act, 1981. He oversaw numerous research projects on water voles during his time with oxford universitys wildlife conservation research unit, and wrote the first edition of the water vole conservation handbook, which was published in 1998. Water voles and licensing scottish natural heritage. Water vole survey habitat assessment, presenceabsence. A licence is required for the purpose of taking or disturbing a water vole or damaging or obstructing access to a breeding or resting place in order to carry out any kind of research or detailed survey. Otter and water vole survey report national infrastructure planning. The survey involved slowly walking along the banks and, where possible, in the beck searching for field signs.

Ensure that the relative status and distribution of the water vole in britain is monitored through repeats of the national baseline survey, together with general catchmentbased surveys in each region, to determine the extent of the water vole populations and level of fragmentation of suitable habitat. The riversearch otter and water vole survey was set up in 2007 as part of the essex water vole recorvery project, and has trained over 200 volunteer surveyors to search for. To satisfy this request, ribble ecology undertook a water vole survey on the 16th april. Both districts are in cambridgeshire and form part of the. Their numbers have declined dramatically in the past 3040 years and their future survival is now uncertain. Gnhs report the ecology of water vole arvicola amphibius in. The best time to conduct water vole surveys is during the breeding season when theyre most active. We can provide you with a full range of water vole related products and services, including water vole surveys and mink control. The optimal time to survey is in may and june during the peak breeding season and before the vegetation has grown. In 2015 we launched the first national survey for 20 years that will guide the way for urgent action. Here we provide an overview of the background to the guidelines as well as the key recommendations within them. However, as an interim measure survey forms should be scanned and. To discuss water vole surveys and other water vole mitigation measures, please email us, call us on 072 364 3 or use our enquiry form below.

Water vole surveys greenlight environmental consultancy. The uk water vole steering group is pleased to endorse the water vole mitigation handbook as the industry standard for all those undertaking surveys, assessing impacts and designing mitigation for water voles in the context of development or construction activities. Survey water voles peoples trust for endangered species. By bringing together and mapping water vole and mink data, we can inform. Subsequent detailed surveys to inform appropriate levels of mitigation or compensation for a development strategy can also be performed. The object of this survey was to examine the entire length of the river test within overton parish searching for signs of the presence of water voles by looking for evidence of water vole activity such as feeding sites, latrines, burrows or pathways. Greenlight environmental consultancy offers various services with respect to water vole surveys, including. Two surveys are required to confirm presence and a population estimate of water voles. But the growth of dense scrub or trees is equally damaging it leads to a decline in the grasses, reeds, sedges and rushes that the voles eat. It was found that there is a potential of water voles being present.

Riversearch otter and water vole surveys essex wildlife trust. The european water vole or northern water vole arvicola amphibius, included in synonymy. This water vole trap has a sprung entrance and treadle and is fitted with a spacious nesting compartment. Water vole surveys experienced surveyors cost effective. Planning act 2008 infrastructure planning applications.

Water voles, bank voles, field voles how to tell a water vole from a rat habitat and home range feeding breeding and lifecycle facts about water voles. We are qualified to advise you about every aspect of water vole conservation, including surveying, river corridor management and mitigation. The water vole arvicola amphibius formerly terrestris is the largest species of vole in britain and inhabits canals, rivers, streams, ditches and other wetland areas. Water vole spotters pack why survey for water voles. Detailed surveys ross 2006 established strong populations of water vole in both districts, with the. Read the guidance on test 2 no satisfactory alternative. Preliminary ecological appraisal pea this is an initial site assessment to identify habitats present on site that may support protected species. Applied ecology ltdwater vole survey and mitigation applied. Found along our waterways, it is similarlooking to the brown rat, but with a blunt nose, small ears and furry tail.

Along with field sign counts, the site location and altitude was recorded. The surveys completed by phillip parker associates ltd in 20141 found no evidence of water voles in any of the ponds on site and considered the ditches and drains on the site to be unsuitable for water voles. Water voles arvicola terrestris are well adapted to most types of riparian ecosystems and make their homes in the banks of rivers, streams and canals. You can also get advice for helping water voles on your land. National water vole monitoring programme recording forms. Riversearch otter and water vole surveys essex wildlife. The best practice methodology for completing water vole surveys was updated in 2016 to ensure more robust survey findings. The water vole is often confused with the brown rat rattus norvegicus but can be easily distinguished by their short haircovered tail, blunt rounded nose, rounded face, small ears almost completely hidden by fur and a rich chestnutbrown coat. Water vole survey generic and dynamic risk assessment. Simple survey method to be employed when projects and activities occur near water features with known or suspected water vole arvicola amphibious presence. If water voles are likely to be present on or near to a site, we strongly recommend that a suitably experienced person conducts a survey.

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